erin and her boys
The quarantine has affected our lives in so many ways, Michael has had to put his career as a speed skater on hold, because all of the competitions and practices have been cancelled. For so long all of our lives revolved around him and his dream. Although his sponsors are still supporting him, I know it’s hurt him not having it in his life.
Josh, who has development delays has struggled with online learning, and coping with losing all of his friends. His grandmother, a retired school teacher, has been working with him since school was closed to try and bring him up to his grade level in his weaker subjects. He may not like it, but he’s really benefited from being home-schooled and has reluctantly blossomed under her watchful eyes.
Together, we have a lot of fun camping, going on adventures and road trips. The boys are my everything, and I couldn’t have been more blessed getting the boys that I did. We may not have everything together but together, we have everything.
– erin